Congratulations to the U.S. Navy and the SEALS for their superb actions during the Maersk Alabama hijacking. They successfully freed Captain Richard Phillips in an amazing feat.
The ordeal should be regarded as an awesome example of just how powerful the United States Military really is and how much the World owes this under appreciated force.
These Somali pirates need to be hunted. They need to be destroyed. They will not stop without a systematic elimination of them and what they stand for. Let's be clear, real clear. The Pirates are not an overseas contingency issue. They are terrorists and they need to be wiped from the face of the Earth.
Once again, a terrorist organization has waged war on the U.S. The attack on U.S. ships delivering food (free food, nonetheless) should create an outcry from the public for action. This is nothing new. It is not from way out in left field. It is not political. It is not anything other than an attempt at significant monetary gain. Any and all who commit such heinous crimes should be hunted down and destroyed.
Donald, You're Tired ... Time to Move On
8 years ago
The Pirates have now vowed vengeance upon the US for killing 3 of their own. They obviously have not heeded our warning that these acts of terrorism will not be tolerated. You are right, they need to be wiped off the face of the Earth. The country of Somalia would be much better off, as they would actually receive the food we were trying to send to them on the Maersk. Many thanks and kudos to the Navy, and we need to recognize the heroic acts of both the SEALS and Captain Phillips. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!